Get more and better offers
Recruiters and hiring managers have a few seconds to decide if they should reach out. Make sure they find what they are looking for in your portfolio, CV, and LinkedIn by referencing designers hired by top companies.
Get answers to these questions
- How many case studies to showcase?
- Should I include wireframes and prototypes?
- What CMS should I use?
- Should I add links to my CV, Dribbble, LinkedIn?
- Should I add side-projects?
- What should be the structure of my portfolio?
- Should I add personal photo?
Based on 283 portfolios
The 'Better Portfolio' report helps you make better and faster decisions while working on your portfolio by referencing what successful designers do in theirs.
The report is based on 283 portfolios of designers who are working at Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Shopify, Meta, and Dropbox.

Recorded portfolio reviews by:
Thom Ridder
Sr. Director at Intercom
4 portfolios reviewed (20 min) -
Cassie McDaniel
Head of Design at Medium
10 portfolios reviewed (32 min) -
Lena Kul
Ex-Design Recruiter at Miro, N26
5 portfolios reviewed (46 min) -
Jyoti Mann
Staff at TikTok (ex-Meta)
5 portfolios reviewed (73 min)
Create a winning portfolio
- 9-step framework for impactful case studies
- What to include in your portfolio
- Techniques for making time and finishing portfolios
- Tips to prepare for portfolio reviews
- Portfolio launch checklist
- Advice from hiring managers

Written by Fedor Shkliarau
Product Designer with 12+ years of industry experience who worked with companies like Twitter, Blinkist, IKEA, Adidas, etc.

Become better by referencing the best
CVs — check how successful designers position and describe their achievements and design work in their CVs.

LinkedIn profiles — optimize your LinkedIn page to get more views.

Portfolio archive — access over 500+ categorized portfolio screenshots.

How do I access the purchased content?
After placing your order, you'll be able to download the eBook directly. In addition, you'll receive an email with an invitation to create an account on Podia. This is where you can access the rest of the materials and track your progress. If you do not receive the email, please check your Promotions and Spam folders. If you still can't find it, visit this page to reset your password. If the issue persists, please contact me via email. -
Is there a refund policy if I’m not satisfied with the service?
If you do not believe that you got value out of the service, reach out via email within 30 days after your purchase and I'll refund you. -
How can I contact you for further questions?
Please contact me via email.