Accelerate Your Product Design Career

Learn the skills beyond pixels to build better products and grow your career.

Read by professionals working at:

Book Videos

Prepare for a UX job interview and practice product thinking

Practice with whiteboard challenges used by top companies to hire designers.

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Maximize your impact to build a better career

27 actionable lessons on communication, persuasion, influence, decision-making, productivity, and more.

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Book Videos

Grow your career and get promoted

Knowing every Figma trick doesn’t get you promoted. Learn 12 skills that do.

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Start a side-hustle or a business

Learn how to generate ideas for your next business, side hustle, or indie startup.

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eBook Videos

Improve your portfolio, LinkedIn and CV

A bundle of resources:

  • eBook by Fedor Shkliarau
  • Report based on 283 portfolios
  • FAANG portfolios database
  • 120 CVs and LinkedIn profiles
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Recommended by design educators

Read by students at Stanford, MIT, Berkeley, Cornell, UCLA, etc. Recommended by professors at select schools.

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Free resources

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Join thousands of designers keeping up to date, learning new skills, and staying relevant, for free.

For managers

Help your designers grow

Grow and retain designers at your team:

  • Create a career growth plan
  • Define design titles and levels
  • Provide designers with educational materials
  • Managers’ portfolios list to inspire you
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